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Screw piles are a type of foundation installed in the ground with minimal noise and vibration. They can be rapidly installed with less disturbance to the soil during installation. Coupled with different dispersing load mechanisms, the screw piles can provide in-ground performance in a range of soils, earthquake zones.
Screw piles are a type of foundation installed in the ground with minimal noise and vibration. They can be rapidly installed with less disturbance to the soil during installation. Coupled with different dispersing load mechanisms, the screw piles can provide in-ground performance in a range of soils, earthquake zones.
How they work
The screw piles comprise of circular steel sections with helices attached to them. During installation, the screw piles cut into the soil as opposed to auguring
through it. The shafts and helical right are designed to suit the different ground conditions. Once the pile has reached the target depth, it typically filled with concrete and permanently remain in place. The protruding reinforcing can be used to increase the capacity of the pile or provide the connection to the building structure above.
How are screw piles connected?
While connecting the piles to the building, the interface between the building structure and the pile is the most important part of the design. It needs to be
handled with care because the connection considers the ground and the building that the piles will be. This requires Structural and Geo-technical input.

ENGINEERINGFoundations are important, it makes the building strong for many years and also helps it withstand harsh conditions such as earthquakes and tornados. An engineer must take valuable measures when designing the foundation. There are many factors to be considered when determining the screw pile foundation that fits your building.
The screw pile displaces the soils as it is screwed into the ground just as a timber screw into a prank. Due to the slender shaft diameter, it’s a less likely to hit obstacles, meaning it offers maximum protection to the building.
Building Plan
Site Plan
Design loads
Screwpiles Site Pictures